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Traveling to French Polynesia on a budget

Posted on 12/03/2013 in French Polynesia, French Polynesia

French Polynesia is an archipelago of Islands that are part of the French overseas territory. The most popular of the Islands is Tahiti, which also happens to be the most populous and host to the Island's capital, Papeet. The largest city is called Fa'a'a.

Unlike what the travel websites and brochures would have you think, you can travel to the islands with a small budget. Below are some of the tricks you can apply to have yourself a wonderful vacation in an exclusive destination at a small budget.

Get cheap accommodation

There is a array of guests’ houses, small lodges and pension homes that dot the archipelago. What you need to do is get one and you will be surprised at how cheap they can get. The pension homes, also called, homestays are particularly cheap. You can get ones that cost you as little as US$80 per night.

Visit off-radar islands

It is true that Tahiti, Bora Bora and Mooreae are the most popular but they are not the whole of French Polynesia just like New York is not the whole of United States. There are over 30 other islands that are budget friendly. These includes; Maupiti, Rurutu, Tahaa, Raivavae, Tikehau, Raiatea, Nuku Hira, Mataiva and many more.

Get Around Cheaply

The cheapest way to get around is walking. However, if you cannot walk, you can hire a bike for $15 per day. Another cheaper way to get around is by using boats. The local airline, Air Tahiti, also offers 30% off for regular travel.

Eat Cheap

A cheaper way will be to go to the snack food joints and have takeaway foods such as sandwiches, fish burgers, grilled fish etc. If you are staying in a pension home, make sure you order a heavy breakfast. For a small price of US$20, you will eat to your fill. Another cost cutting eating habit is cooking own meal.

Travel on low season

Keep away from the islands during the months of July through august and the festive season of Christmas to New Year. You can visit the French Polynesia during the months of April through June and September through November. During this period, the hotels and pension homes are empty. You can get discounted rates and even bargain for better pricing.

The French Polynesia is an exclusive travel destination. If you have not travelled here already, you need to plan to visit this destination come your next vacation.

Tags:    travel accomodations

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to French Polynesia, French Polynesia


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